
Partner - Build - Grow

Our Model

What Makes Us Unique

Our integrated funding approach is aimed at unleashing the full potential of BIPOC artists, creating a network of diverse storytellers who make a positive impact on the world through their unique artistic visions.
Rooted in radical ownership, community, and fandom
The traditional funding landscape poses unique challenges for BIPOC artists, including systemic barriers and bias, limiting their ability to bring their ideas to life. Starfish addresses these challenges by providing diversified funding options that cater to artists' unique needs.
Our Investment Process

Meeting Artists Where They Are


Strategic Grant Funding

We provide strategic grant funding and support to artists working on establishing their intellectual property, with recoupable grants that go into a pot for future participants. The grants are recoupable at a rate of 1.5 times the grant amount, against 5% of future revenue, with recovered grants pooling into a pot that funds future participants.

Traditional Investments

We make market-rate investments for a minority stake in the projects we believe in, helping artists realize the full potential of their IP while reducing our reliance on philanthropy over time. We attract outside investors by taking the first position. All returns from these investments return to Starfish to be lent out again—a revolving loan fund.
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